We are happy to help anyone on our website with advice and help sheets.

If you have worked in the licensed drinks trade for 3 days or 30 years you are eligible for our emotional support and practical advice from our helpline team.

For financial support you, or an immediate family member (living in the same household) needs to be either currently, or have in the past, worked in the licensed drinks trade for a total of 5  continuous years or more.  This can be in one or more jobs.  All applications are means tested and awarded based on individual circumstances.  The Charity cannot consider financial help for items already paid for. 

Call our helpline which is open 24/7 free of charge 0808 801 0550 and we’ll be able to listen to you and talk about how we could help.

If we can’t help you, we will do our best to give you the contact details of someone who can.